High Security External Doors

What makes a Security door ‘high security’ and why would you ever need one?

Although allexternal doorssupplied by SolidWoodenDoors are ‘Secure By Design’ as standard, utilisingsecurity hinges and quality locks, clients can order additional items to further improve their security.A High Security Door is constructed with a combination of materials and parts not normally found in a standard front door. Typically a metal core and striking bolts that secure the door are added into the frame.It is essential to have a high level of security to your entrance door. Often the burglar’s first choice for a point of entry during a break-in. At SWD we do not make it easy for your external doors to be forced open by burglars.It is surprisingly easy to wedge a crowbar into the lock of a cheap door. It does not take much effort generating enough force to either bow the frame or push the strike-plate through the wood, and in short gaining entry quickly.This will never be an issue with the strong and secure doors supplied by SolidWoodenDoors.

Protected with security doorsYou can rest easy in the knowledge that you are well protected with a secure Solid Wooden Door. Which is robust and strong enough to withstand the most persistent would be burglar.Our doors are such high quality that they act as a deterrent in themselves. A burglar would prefer to approach an easier target leaving you and your property safe and secure.Atwww.swdbespoke.com, we take great pride in offering the highest possible standards in both aesthetics and functionality. Our security doors and locks provide such high protection, that not only do they provide peace of mind. Equally they look fabulous our doors really have the wow factor!High security doorsupplied by us can always be bespoke fitted toinclude advanced features such as fingerprint scanners, motorised locks and remote controls.

SolidWoodenDoorsprovides European Standard ENV 1627 Level 2, 3 and 4 doors.These exemplary security doors are built towithstand attacks from the most determined and persistent criminals.Tests are carried outthrough rigorous stress testing procedures which are conducted at the famous IFT Rosenheim testing laboratories in Germany.

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